With the new Meaningful Use 2 (MU2) requirements catching many EHR vendors unawares, it may be time to look for an EHR vendor who is always ahead of the curve. According to a report by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), as of November 2014 only 2% of eligible professionals had attested to MU2. This paints a bleak picture for thousands of independent physicians who rely on Medicare payments to stay afloat. To add insult to injury, CMS is expected to hand out 1% penalties for those who aren’t participating in the program.
Many physicians who are struggling with these new MU2 requirements are doing so because their EHR vendors are simply unable to meet them.
Troubling Numbers
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2013 only 13% of physicians had EHR systems capable of reporting all 17 core objectives of MU2. There are still many physicians running small and medium-sized practices whose vendors have yet to get up to speed.
While the idea of walking away from a sizeable investment – sometimes as much as $100,000 – and starting over may give some doctors pause, not switching EHR vendors may pose an even greater expense in the long run.
With this in mind, here are some signs that it may be time to switch your EHR vendor for one who is equipped to handle MU2 and other future updates:
Your Vendor has become a Mime
If your vendor has not yet given you any indication about their MU2 status, with your practice on the line you cannot afford to sit idly. Contact your vendor and inquire about certification. If they aren’t certified yet, ask when they will be and get a letter of agreement which will cover your loss of reimbursement dollars. If that letter never arrives, it is a sure sign that it is time to find a new EHR vendor.
Your Provider has been Consolidated
While the HITECH program has been a nightmare for healthcare providers, it has been an opportunity for many health tech companies to make a quick buck. As requirements become more stringent, many smaller EHR vendors have either thrown in the towel completely or have been bought out by larger companies. If you have noticed that your vendor’s name has changed (especially if it has changed more than once) make sure the new company is up-to-date with certification and is capable of staying afloat in today’s ever-changing market.
Your Vendor is Out of Site
If your EHR is cloud-based then upgrading for MU2 will only require the ‘flip of a switch’ to upgrade everyone. However, if your EHR system is server-based, your vendor will need to install a new version manually. Many vendors are getting backed up with upgrades and clients are unable to get on the vendor’s upgrading schedule for months. If your system needs a manual upgrade and your vendor can’t get to you soon enough, it might be time to take your EHR business elsewhere.
Some of Your Current EHR’s Functions are Gathering Dust
You may have signed on to your current vendor’s system because they promised you a collection of bells and whistles. But if your staff isn’t using many of these features, your EHR’s functions may be inefficient, out of date, or unable to meet the needs of your practice. This can throw a wrench in your efforts to get the MU2 requirements. A robust EHR system should make your team’s workload easier not more complicated.
Your Vendor Fights Change Kicking and Screaming
If we’ve learned anything with these recent changes to Meaningful Use and ICD 10 coding requirements, it’s that change is inevitable. If your current EHR vendor is constantly struggling to keep up with these changes and their products lack innovation, then you must find a vendor that is capable of adapting.
Make the Switch Today
CureMD EHR is certified and prepared to help physicians successfully attest for MU2. Our cloud-based system is built with usability and reliability in mind and costs a fraction of what our competition charges. We don’t demand thousands of dollars to set up and maintain your system, and 24/7 support is included in the low monthly fee. Not only is CureMD’s EHR-certified for MU2, it also comes with ICD-10 guarantee, which means you can easily stay ahead of the industry’s changing requirements for years to come.
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