With the emerging technological trends and with new devices coming out each year, the security risks for the healthcare industry are huge. Cyber-crimes keep on getting more sophisticated. Should the private practice be concerned about it? Let’s find out some of the risks that will affect the healthcare industry in 2014.
Social networks: Facebook, Twitter and other social networks are a major risk. The risk exists in accidental sharing of patient information on social networks. New social networks are being created every day, and they become popular quickly. As new websites emerge that allow sharing of data with just a single click, it becomes a security risk that needs to be sorted out by restricting access to social networks in healthcare facilities.
Data storage with third parties: In 2014, a major security risk that providers will face, would be the storing of their data. Providers should ensure that the EHR they buy is compliant with the latest security standards. They should also make sure that the software is technically advanced and legally covered. One such software is CureMD EHR.
Inside attacks: Increasingly, the information exchanged inside the organization will be susceptible to falling in the hands of malicious insiders. For that, security measures and security checks within the software and outside of it need to be in place. The inside threats can be avoided by complying with government standards for security measures.
Increased security: 2014 will be the year of exploring new ways to implement high security measures for EHR software. As patient data is shifted to cloud, EHR vendors, corporate and private agencies will have to adjust to new laws, and will need to iplement procedures and innovations to deal with new security threats. Since healthcare providers and the industry itself is increasingly shifting to EHR, the security threats will increase, and the security measures to deal with the increasing threats will have to be strengthened too.
BYOD and other healthcare IT innovations, like mobile EHR, are molding the future but sooner rather than later the consumers should be able to take advantage of these innovations with complete confidence and without the fear of security attacks. Acknowledging that security related challenges are ahead, the security risks can be resolved.
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