While achievement of Meaningful Use Stage 1 was relatively easy for most vendors, Stage 2 makes it increasingly difficult for both vendors and providers to meet the benchmarks. Over the next few months, a plethora of Meaningful Use focused solutions will appear in the market, and practices will have to be very discerning in selecting the one that helps them meet new standards. Practices will have to ask detailed and probing questions to analyze the various options available, and then make the best decision.
One such product that is geared up to meet challenges of the future is the “All-in-One” Cloud by CureMD. Click here to learn more.
One of the major requirements of Stage 2 is increased engagement with patients through patient portals. Facilitating patient-provider communication is one of the major objectives of the government, and it leads to better coordinated care and interactive information exchange as well.
So what should the providers ask vendors about patient portals, when purchasing Meaningful Use Stage 2 compliant systems? Let’s take a look.
Is the vendor certified?
While having a certified vendor is not absolutely necessary, a certification will show that the current vendor is able to meet Stage 2 requirements, and offers the needed functionalities and security to capture and exchange accurate health information in a timely fashion. A certification also shows a vendor’s readiness to be put under the regulatory microscope, showing that the technology has been developed after careful thought and craft.
If looking for a third party vendor, can the technology work with current EHR?
One of the major downsides of present day EHR systems is that they are not able to work with other technologies. A portal that can only capture and share information from one system is limited in terms of functionality. As the focus of the healthcare industry shifts to patients and patient engagement, it is of paramount importance that the new technology you are looking to adopt, works with your current EHR.
Will the vendor demonstrate how its technology works with your current EHR?
It is easy for vendors to say that their product will be able to work with a healthcare organization’s current setup. However, making it work is altogether a different ball game. In case you are looking to adopt an EHR solution which promises to work with your current one, make sure you see a live demonstration of how it will actually happen. This can really help an organization refine or create new processes that support the most efficient use of technology.
When will the product be ready for use?
Some vendors are already ready for Meaningful Use Stage 2 attestation, while others will have to wait until January or February next year to get their products up to date. This will cause their providers to fall a step behind in terms of their MU attestations. Make sure you check with your vendor about their likely date of MU 2 attestation, so that you can put a realistic timeline in place for the process. What is the vendor doing to get ready for Stage 3 and beyond?
It is crucial that the vendor has technologies in place which can help them get ready for Meaningful Use Stage 3 and beyond. When Meaningful Use Stage 1 was implemented, vendors were so focused on it that they did not gear themselves up for future stages. Similarly, while some vendors are now certified for Stage 2, it is crucial to know their readiness for Stage 3 and any future regulatory challenges that may arise.
These are some of the questions healthcare organizations should ask vendors about some key areas of Meaningful Use Stage 2 and beyond. While the industry may not be completely ready for Stage 2 yet, it will only be a matter of few months before it happens.
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