Almost any electronic device emits an electromagnetic frequency or radiation. They can range anywhere from your cell phone to wireless routers. Even stronger frequencies are emitted from larger power sources like power lines and medical equipment like MRIs and X-rays. Almost all people can be affected by EMF. However, some may be affected worse than others.
EMF Sensitivity is also called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). It is a condition where patients claim to feel symptoms that are believed to stem from EMF. Although it has not been given a proper diagnosis by professionals, there is a lot of research on it that says otherwise.
The World Health Organisation states that there are two types of EMF. They are low-frequency EMF from everyday electronics and high-frequency from medical equipment. For those around high-frequency ones, more awareness is required to improve their quality of life. When you know about EMF sensitivity you can take an informed step to protect yourself from EMF.
Common symptoms of EMF Sensitivity
- Physical Symptoms
- Headaches and migraines
- Fatigue and weakness
- Dizziness and nausea
- Sleep disturbances and insomnia
- Cognitive Symptoms
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory issues
- Brain fog
- Sensory Symptoms
- Skin irritation and burning sensations
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Eye discomfort and vision problems
- Emotional and Psychological Symptoms
- Anxiety and stress
- Mood swings and irritability
- Depression
Understanding EMF Sensitivity
As we mentioned, EMF sensitivity is a condition where people tend to be affected by various symptoms when exposed to an electromagnetic field. This concept came into the limelight during the early 1970s when technology had reached a new peak. With more electronic devices came a greater EMF exposure. EMF sensitivity can be triggered due to several factors:
- Environmental Factors: A greater spread of wireless technology, and electricity, and an increase in the use of electrical devices at home add to the spread of EMF.
- Technological Advancements: With further technological advancements like 5G, the spread of EMF has essentially doubled. Almost everyone nowadays has a phone constantly adding to the EMF spread.
- Possible Biological Mechanisms: There is a school of thought where exposure to EMF can have bioeffects on humans. While this is true for high-frequency EMF, the same cannot still be said for low-frequency ones.
Common Symptoms of EMF Sensitivity
People with high EMF sensitivity can go through several issues across different parts of the body.
Physical Symptoms
When exposed to EMF, there have been reports that people felt the following physical issues.
- Headaches and Migraines primarily from using cell phones.
- An eternal feeling of fatigue and weakness that no amount of downtime can cure.
- Feeling dizzy, nauseous, and in severe cases vertigo.
- Many people can even develop a poor sleep pattern which can lead to insomnia.
Cognitive Symptoms
EMF can also trigger various cognitive issues.
- Difficulty Concentrating on anything, especially work.
- Inability to remember things in the long and short term.
- A state of total confusion where one cannot understand anything around them, also known as ‘brain fog.’
Sensory Symptoms
Long-term exposure to EMF can also trigger sensory symptoms like
- Skin irritation and burning sensations like skin redness, itchiness, or a burning sensation without an external cause.
- Tinnitus is a constant ringing, buzzing, or whistling in the ears.
- Discomfort in the eyes that leads to blurry vision in the form of hypersensitivity to light.
Emotional and Psychological Symptoms
There have also been cases where people are psychologically affected.
- Anxiety and stress that are not triggered by actual hardships in life.
- Rapid mood swings and a feeling of being very irritated without a proper trigger.
- Feeling depressed and hopeless in life
Diagnosing EMF Sensitivity
Diagnosing EMF sensitivity is difficult due to the nature of the problem. To begin, there is no standardized test that can diagnose EMF sensitivity directly. The main factors that trigger are not entirely specific to this problem. For example, you can get a headache from dehydration, skin irritation from bug bites, and so on. None of these problems are exclusive problems only triggered by EMF sensitivity.
Methods of Diagnosis
The methods of diagnosing a patient if very limited as this is not exactly something that can be actively tracked. To diagnose a patient one has to have the following things.
- Symptom Tracking and Journaling: It is recommended for patients who are sensitive to EMF to keep a proper journal to record their symptoms when they occur. With this, a doctor can try to find patterns to pinpoint how and what brings about these triggers.
- Environmental Assessments: Another way to diagnose EMF sensitivity is by testing the environment that the patient lives in. Professionals use EMF meters to detect if the level of exposure is safe.
- Further Medical Evaluations: If the information above is still not conclusive, a doctor can prescribe more tests to rule out underlying conditions. This ranges between everything from neurological to psychiatric tests.
Managing EMF Sensitivity
If you think you are affected by EMF exposure, you can take a few steps to reduce it at home and work. These can include the following.
Lifestyle Adjustments
This is the first step to taking matters into your own hands. To manage EMF exposure at home, you can do the following:
- Reduce Exposure: You can reduce the use of wireless devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi routers. In terms of routers, you can opt for a wired connection over a wireless one. You can also shut down and unplug all electric devices.
- EMF Shields: You can find a lot of different consumer products that are built to withstand EMF. For your home, you can use special paint and fabrics that can reduce EMF exposure. Alternatively, you can also buy EMF-blocking phone cases to decrease direct exposure.
- Creating an EMF-Safe Environment: This can be very effective if you have a lot of wireless devices present in your household. For better sleep, you can place your bed away from electronic devices like Bluetooth speakers and routers. You can also dedicate a room that is completely free of wireless signals for winding down.
Medical and Therapeutic Approaches
Alternatively, you can take a more medical approach to tackle problems with EMF sensitivity.
- Consulting Healthcare Professionals: As we mentioned above, you can take a more active approach to explore what triggers you. Keep a journal of times when you think you are affected by EMF. Share this with a doctor to find links to what triggers you. Take into account the area you live in and the devices you have around you.
- Potential Treatments and Interventions: Depending on what your doctor concludes you can be put on prescription medication to treat sleep problems, headaches, and anxiety. Some even try behavioral therapy to tackle this issue.
- Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Many have found success in solving EMF sensitivity by taking up yoga, meditation, and acupuncture. This keeps your body healthy, mind refreshed, and busy from constantly fixating on this problem. Supplements and herbal medicine like ashwagandha, tulsi, and holy basil are known to help.
Preventive Measures
To prevent EMF from affecting your daily life, here are a few tips you can follow to reduce exposure.
Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure | |
Safe Use of Electronic Devices | Turn off Wi-Fi and other wireless connections when not in use. |
Use a speakerphone or a wired headset instead of the earpiece. This keeps your cell phone away from your head and body. | |
Reduce the amount of time you spend using EMF-emitting devices. | |
EMF-Free Zones in Living Spaces: | Make areas of your house free of EMF exposure by removing any electronic devices in and around it. |
You can start using battery-powered or manual alternatives to electric appliances. | |
Ensure that sleeping areas are free from strong EMF sources like cell phones, wireless routers, and electronic devices. | |
Inform Family and Friends of EMF Sensitivity | Make sure to share information on the health impacts of excess EMF exposure. |
Share your journey and experiences to inform people on how you tackle the problem. | |
Pen down your experiences on a personal blog or on social media to reach people who need help. |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is EMF sensitivity?
EMF sensitivity is medically called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). It is a condition where different physical and psychological problems like headaches and depression are triggered when exposed to EMF.
How common is EMF sensitivity?
EMF sensitivity does not have enough evidence to back it. As a result, it is still yet to be recognized as a problem. Very few people have this amongst every million in the population of the USA.
Can EMF sensitivity be cured?
Since it is not an official problem, there is little to no cure for it. Depending on your condition, a doctor can prescribe medicine or therapy to help reduce the effects of EMF. You only have management strategies rather than a direct cure.
What are the most effective ways to reduce EMF exposure?
To reduce EMF exposure you can place electronic devices away from where you typically stay. Alternatively you can also turn said devices off after use and use special paint and accessories that block EMF.
Are there any long-term health risks associated with EMF sensitivity?
According to the WHO, low-level frequencies rarely pose any long-term health risks. In high-frequency EMFs, people are not exposed to them long enough for them to cause life-altering risks.
How can I determine if I am sensitive to EMFs?
There is no hard and fast rule to follow if you want to find out if you are EMF-sensitive. A doctor can do a thorough diagnosis to rule out possibilities and come up with a potential answer for you.
What should I do if I suspect I have EMF sensitivity?
If you think you are EMF-sensitive, it is best to consult a doctor right away to pinpoint the root causes. If you are truly affected by EMF, you need to find out if you have any underlying problems that trigger similar symptoms.
Are there any products that can help reduce EMF exposure?
You can find many different products that shield against EMF radiation. These include EMF shielding clothing, paints, phone cases, and Faraday fabric.
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