November marks the National Diabetes Awareness Month and is celebrated across the country to educate people and raise awareness about diabetes.
As the figures below illustrate, combating diabetes is an immense challenge faced by the healthcare industry; and one that technology such as Endocrinology EHRs could help overcome. CureMD has created this infographic exclusively for Endocrinologists and the society at large, to highlight some important stats on the disease.
• CDC National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014 (2014), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
• Electronic Health Records and Quality of Diabetes Care (2011), New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
• Fast Facts Data and Statistics about Diabetes (2014), American Diabetes Association (ADA)
• New Research Finds EHRs Improve the Quality of Diabetes Care (2011),
• Statistics About Diabetes (2014), American Diabetes Association (ADA)
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