A well-designed practice website is an important part of leaving a good first impression. The more important aspect of a practice website, however, is converting visitors into actual patients. The objective of a website, as with all digital marketing efforts of the practice, is to drive growth by converting visitors into customers. Should potential patients leave the website without booking an appointment, then the website has failed. A good website will not allow this to happen, however; follow these 3 tips to ensure your website converts the most visitors into patients.
Prominent Call to Actions:
Your website needs to provide visitors the information they have come looking for, along with prominently displayed calls to action directing them to where they can book an appointment. Having such a call to action displayed prominently on each page will ensure that all visitors are never too far from the option that will convert them into patients, regardless of whether or not they are actually looking for one.
For those visitors that are looking for an appointment, on the other hand, the ability to do just that should also be present on every page they visit, in the form of prominently displayed links to schedule an appointment. This same link should also be displayed prominently in the navigation pane of the website, along with CTAs on the homepage.
CTAs are also a fantastic tool for increasing subscriptions to blogs and newsletters and increasing your social media following.
Learn More: 3 Tips for Optimizing Your Healthcare Website
Online Scheduling:
For modern consumers, convenience is king. In order to remain relevant, practices must adapt to the needs of newer generations; convenience being chief among those needs. Not offering online booking means missing out on a large percentage of the patient pool that wishes to make appointments as easily as possible.
It also serves as a fantastic conversion tool, affording visitors on the website the ability to instantly book an appointment, without the need to switch to a different device. As mentioned above, a clear and prominent link directing visitors to the scheduling portion of the website will also serve well in this regard.
Exit Popup:
This one can be tricky. Exit popups can be extremely annoying to deal with, but when implemented correctly they offer another fantastic method for conversions. As patients look to leave the website, a popup with compelling content will be just the thing necessary to convince them to stay and book an appointment.
How exit pop-ups are used varies greatly between practices. The simplest and best method would be to use them to offer discounts; only on select services, of course. A different, yet equally viable, the strategy would be to offer a call from a staff member at a later time to schedule an appointment, a fantastic way to generate conversions from visitors after hours. The final strategy we suggest is to display a positive customer testimonial. All of these strategies are viable, though the best one will vary based on your visitors. Some A/B testing and experimentation will help you figure out what works best for you.
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