Utilizing an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system in your practice is key to maximizing productivity and optimizing workflows. Without an EHR, practice staff simply will possess the tools they need to maximize profits, provide high quality care and create the best patient health outcomes. Any old software will not help your practice achieve these goals, Read more…
Health IT
The Role of High-Quality Medical Equipment in Patient Care
Enjoying good health with no illness can make us feel happy. However, various diseases may affect your health at any time. You must seek medical help immediately to handle complications before the problem escalates to something serious. The advances in the medical field mean easy access to the best care. People have better chances of Read more…
Improving Office Workflows with Healthcare AI
AI technology has come a long way over the past decade; these technologies have also begun augmenting the capabilities of EHR solution. The uses for it in the healthcare industry are many, that is plain to see, with successful examples of diagnostics, robotic surgery and much more. However, these are higher level uses of AI. Read more…
3 Things to Reconsider If Your Practice Struggles with Collections
Mostly, patients want to make their healthcare payments on time. However, these payments often arrive later than their due date. Often patients may not make their payments until they have moved on to collections, leading to additional fees for the practice. However, what must be the reason behind this struggle? Let us take a closer Read more…
3 Benefits of Social Media for Healthcare Practices
Social media is the primary form of communication for most of us. Whether it be simply checking out the latest updates from friends, or making actual business connections. This is why logging on to social media has become a daily ritual. It is considered a reliable source of information for most people- they often go Read more…
4 Ways EHR Dashboard Enhances Your Practice Productivity
While an intuitive interface, sleek design, and user-friendliness are all great features in an EHR, however, what really makes the best solutions stand out among others is the quality of the dashboard. Ideally, it should display real-time, high-priority information in one place, as soon as you log into the system. This feature enables practice managers Read more…
MIPS: Prepare for this Reporting Period
It is time to start collecting data for the last reporting period of 2023 for MIPS. If you have not collected at least 90-days of performance data by Jan 2, 2023, you will get a negative adjustment from Medicare. Confused? As CMS released information a bit late, many practitioners are rather confused about how to Read more…
The benefits of a clinically driven revenue cycle
Improving patient outcomes and reducing denials are among the primary goals of all healthcare organizations; what both of these goals have in common is that they can both be achieved through a clinically driven revenue cycle. Integrating clinical data into claims processing will significantly reduce denials, leading to fewer days in accounts receivable and, ultimately, Read more…
7 Ways 3D Printing is Revolutionizing Healthcare
It’s hard to believe but 3D-printing has been around since the mid-80s. Since then, we’ve seen all manner of things like pens, shoes, jewelry, and even cars, printed “out of thin air”. Perhaps the most exciting use of this technology can be seen in the healthcare industry, and as the technology advances and becomes more accessible, we will see even more Read more…
Is Your Practice Perfect or Does It Need Improvement?
Maintaining a practice used to be considerably easier than it is today. Practitioners had straightforward objectives, such as getting certified, managing overhead, providing excellent patient care, and building strong patient relationships. In the 21stcentury, everything is a bit more complex. Now, electronic health records are being used to: report performance, comply with various treatment protocols, Read more…