Recently the New England Journal of Medicine posed one specific question to both major presidential candidates regarding their healthcare policies. That question was: “What specific changes in policy do you support to improve access to care, improve quality of care and control health care costs for our nation?” Secretary Clinton responded while Mr. Trump declined a response. Mrs. Clinton’s Read more…
Elections 2016
Comparing Party Platforms: ACA , Abortion & Medicaid
Whether they’re declaring “I’m with her!” or instead, prefer to “Make America Great Again!” Americans will be heading out to the polls shortly and making their opinions heard. Still undecided, or just looking to learn a bit more before you cast your vote? Here is a general idea of where Democrats and Republicans stand on three key issues in the recent presidential debates. The Read more…
5 Health Policy Areas to Watch out for in Election 2016
The 2016 Presidential election is only a few days away, and it will be one of the most divisive political contests in recent history. Considering the magnitude of challenges facing the nation, at the domestic and international fronts, one would have hoped for clarity in party positions on key issues such as healthcare. Unfortunately, presidential Read more…