According to a last-minute brief filed at the U.S. Supreme Court on June 25, it has become evident that the Trump administration plans to continue its fights to get the Affordable Care Act (ACA) declared unconstitutional. ACA, also referred to as Obamacare, is unquestionably the most comprehensive healthcare reform law enacted in March 2010 under Read more…
Top 10 Reasons for Claim Denials
If you want to attain more financial success, you must overcome these common reasons for claim denials. Denials generally fall under two categories: technicalities and medical. Denials resulting from technicalities are incurred due to missing codes or authorizations and claim to file mistakes. On the contrary, denials are considered medical when the treatment is not Read more…
Things That Make Telemedicine Providers Successful
Telemedicine is a win-win for the patients and providers alike. With a thoughtful and strategic approach, you can realize incredible benefits across the board. Telemedicine is foreseeably evolving as a strategic maneuver for medical practices. While video visits are not new for the providers any more, many are embracing this technology with arms wide open. Read more…
10 Icd-10 Myths Expelled
The number of myths associated with ICD-10 codes is bound to put the Egyptians to shame. Some of these common misperceptions need to be countered with facts from the experts. Myth 1: ICD-10 contains ten times the number of codes listed in ICD-9. ICD-10 includes 69,832 diagnosis codes (ICD-10-CM) as compared to 14,567 diagnosis codes Read more…
Three Ways Doctors Can Use EHRs to Treat COVID19 Patients
While Electronic Health Record (EHR) has witnessed a huge boom in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has paved the path for the proliferation of telehealth facilities, through advanced data analytics and EHR dashboards. It goes without saying that the outbreak of this life-threatening pandemic has exerted significant influence on population health and wellbeing. Read more…
Can Telemedicine Increase Practice Profitability?
Over time, healthcare practices have witnessed revolutionary transformation by adopting telemedicine software in a variety of ways. The decision to increase access care with telemedicine has allowed for a better work-life balance amongst physicians. It not only ensures better outcomes, but also reduces workload for the administration staff. These are a number of benefits that Read more…
Virtual Visits Made Easy: A Guide to Quality Online Meetings
You may have chosen telemedicine to increase profitability, enhance patient access, and stay ahead of the competition. Here are a few simple tips to make Virtual Visits as seamless as possible. Maintain Eye Contact Always make sure that you’re looking straight into the camera, specifically when you’re speaking. It will create a better connection with Read more…
The deadline for ICD-10 and MU is just around the corner. What are you going to do?
The clock is ticking and the implementation deadline for ICD-10 and Meaningful Use Stage 2 for medical practitioners across the country is not very far away. In fact, there’s just over 12 months remaining for practices to put these in place and the need of the hour for them is to expedite the process of Read more…
Top Challenges Physicians Are Expected to Face in 2020
From compensation hassles to compliance hurdles and staff burnout, independent practices have a myriad of obstacles to overcome. Now, with the start of the new year, physicians are finding themselves on the front line of evolving technology, policies, and patient expectations, while struggling with spending adequate time on patient care. Here are the top challenges Read more…
Best Way to Market Your Medical Practice for Free in 2019
There was a time when being a medical professional was a privilege. Those days are over. Now you need to be a business major to complement your profession. As a health IT consultant, I felt like writing tit takes a lot of money and effort which can be put to better use. Free medical marketing Read more…