While many physicians are already using Cloud services, there are some who are still uncertain, and are victims of the erroneous and outdated perceptions about how the Cloud works and what it’s all about.
Some people are hesitant, when it comes to sending important data to the Cloud, because they don’t feel that they’re in control of the data when they can’t see where it is being stored.
The lack of trust in Cloud environments, in part, is due to the dependence on conventional systems, workflows and processes; which are contrary to everything that Cloud based Electronic Health Record software have brought to the Healthcare industry.
The fear of embracing change has forced many physicians, across the country, to continue using paper charts at their practices. It can be established that these physicians are in a state of denial by not wanting to get on the EHR bandwagon. They don’t understand what the Cloud has to offer, and I feel there has not been enough effort made by the industry as a whole to promote the benefits of Cloud technology. So let us try and understand what ‘Cloud’ means, and what cloud technology offers physicians.
Physicians, who have already adapted to modern healthcare technology such as Electronic Health Record software, don’t need to be reminded of the benefits they are currently deriving. However, we can analyze the results these technologies have provided to the lucky practices.
Michael. A. Mark, M.D, like most physicians, initially had serious reservations about using EHRs. He had no idea what Cloud technology was, or how it worked. “I never knew what this Cloud technology did, sure I had read about I.T companies utilizing it, but I did not get how it would help me,” he stated. Turns out, a well-known Health IT vendor contacted him, and thoroughly explained to him what the Cloud was, and how other physicians were using it to their advantage. “The benefits were phenomenal, when I heard that I would be able to store, access and retrieve all my data from practically anywhere in the country, with just an internet connection and a computer, I was delighted. There have been so many instances when, in an emergency, I had to hurry back to my practice, just to see detailed patient information”.
For any physician, the benefits of Cloud EHR software include:
- Increased and easier access to data
- Cost reductions by not having to purchase hardware
- More time for physicians to see patients
- Better resource allocation
- Greater flexibility
Michael had it right. The benefits of Cloud, used in conjunction with EHR are unparalleled when it comes to streamlining and spearheading clinical, administrative and financial workflows at the practice.
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