In this modern digital age, customers are accustomed to paying their bills online. Utilities, credit card bills, internet, etc. can all be paid online through apps or a web page. This begs the question: why should healthcare payments be any different? Surveys have shown that nearly 70% of respondents would prefer paying their medical bills Read more…
Online Payments
3 Benefits of Automated Payments for Specialty Practices
Collecting payments can be difficult and complex for specialty practices. Receiving timely payments, managing and coordinating all the different types of payments used by patients and communicating with patients effectively are just a few of the challenges specialty providers have to navigate. This leads to cash flow issues and inefficiency in the practice as a Read more…
4 Tips for Collecting Patient Balances
During the COVID-19 pandemic, medical practices have had to be creative in order to adapt, survive and ensure continued access to medical services for patients. examples of this include telemedicine, curbside immunizations, and drive-up testing for the virus. The main challenge posed by all of these methods is collecting patient balances. Here are 4 tips Read more…