The five biggest causes of deaths in America in 2011 included heart disease, chronic lower respiratory diseases, stroke, diabetes and nephritis/nephritic syndrome/nephrosis. All of these causes of death are linked to the circulatory system and the responsibility of primary care physicians (PCPs) to manage among their patients. The good news is, the causes of these Read more…
ICD-10 delay: What now?
Like I’ve been saying, 2014 is going to be an extremely important year for our healthcare industry, with ICD-10 and Meaningful Use Stage 2 both coming into effect. I’ve already talked at length about the ‘meaningfulness’ of Meaningful Use so let’s talk about the other pressing issue, ICD-10. Being in this industry for many years now, Read more…
How Patient Portals help you deliver better care
Almost every medical professional has a business website today but do they have the ability to provide a HIPAA-compliant account for their patients where they can interact with your practice, review their treatment plans, update account information, pay outstanding balances, schedule appointments, receive lab results, request refills or modify their appointment schedules? This is where Read more…
What you need to know about ACOs
There will be hardly anyone who disagrees with the notion that the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) concept is gaining strength. Broadly speaking, it is a group of healthcare providers who agree to take on a shared responsibility for the care of a select bunch of patients while ensuring quality and minimum possible cost of care. Read more…
Why you should start Meaningful Use today
The government has paid out more than $22 billion in Meaningful Use incentives and it is about time you joined the bandwagon in case you haven’t already. The last date to begin your reporting period for the Meaningful Use program is July 1, 2014. So get your act together and start putting your Electronic Health Read more…
For Better Posture, Brace Yourself
It’s a common practice these days, for people to spend hours being seated behind a table, slumping and not bothering about their posture. Many people disregard the fact that a bad posture is a detriment to their health. If you aren’t one of them, consider using a posture corrective brace, and you’ll feel your posture Read more…
Better Eye Care: Optometrists and their Tools
Optometrists specialize in eye care services, and carry out necessary procedures to examine the eye to detect any problems or issues. Besides this, they also carry out various tests to detect eye diseases like glaucoma, myopia, etc. They also diagnose the effects of diabetes, high blood pressure and other related problems. For treating different types Read more…
How to prepare and comply with Meaningful Use audits?
A huge number of medical practices across the country are successfully qualifying for the government’s EHR incentive program, known as ‘Meaningful Use’. But quite a few are learning that there is still one big hurdle to overcome before they can fully reap the benefits of their efforts. “Any provider that participates in the incentive program and receives money Read more…
2014: Year of the EHR switch?
The Black Book Rankings survey cited that by the end of 2013, 17% of the nearly 17,000 active EHR users “could switch out their first choice EHR by year’s end.” This proved to be true to some extent, but it is expected that the biggest percentage of EHR switches will take place in 2014. Most EHR users Read more…
How to avoid BYOD breaches?
Without a shadow of doubt, the concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) offers plenty of benefits to both healthcare employees and employers. To name a few, users are familiar and more comfortable with their own devices which can increase output. There is also no time spent on training because the devices are owned by Read more…