The day I sold my green 1998 Buick Century to settle a college loan and instead bought a run-down beat old Geo Metro, which was a stick, by the way, my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces and within each piece there were a million more tiny pieces. I was devastated beyond consolation. It Read more…
What to consider prior to switching to EHRs?
When medical practices switch to Electronic Health Records (EHRs), the transition is never easy and can be quite cumbersome for many. It can make the practices suffer in their day-to-day operations and they can easily lose their primary focus: patient care. Not only it can take months to implement the system, it requires extensive training Read more…
Reliability: EHRs or Paper?
Twenty Years ago, there was no concept of electronic health records. Doctors used paper-based systems and spent countless hours, filling out hundreds of thousands of papers every year. Consequently, they had less time, then they do now, to actually focus on the patient. Then, there was a revolution; A revolution of computers, of information technology Read more…
Ideal Healthcare: A fantasy or a Realistic Goal?
In 1999, when Jack Kevorkian, a doctor of medicine, was imprisoned for life for having medically assisted with 130 suicides in his professional career, not only did he get branded with the alias of Dr. Death, but it also opened a Pandora’s box of questions about how far the boundaries of medicine could be stretched. Read more…
EHR Meaningful Use Timeline [Infographic]
Break Free From Mental and Physical Trauma: Sign Up For Ayahuasca Ceremonies
Dear reader If you’re here and reading this article, then we know that you are going through physical and mental trauma. But we also know that this is not your permanent condition. Mental and physical trauma can end if you sign up for a residential retreat where these conditions are treated. But before you go Read more…
How Americans Can Buy Ozempic from Canada at Low Prices
In the United States, the soaring costs of prescription medications have become a significant concern, particularly for life-changing drugs like Ozempic, used primarily for type 2 diabetes and weight loss. This article delves into the challenges Americans face due to the high cost of Ozempic and explores a viable solution: purchasing the medication from Canada. Read more…
From Bedside Manner to Browser Clicks: Doctor Reputation Management Essentials
In the healthcare sector, the concept of bedside manner has always been a cornerstone of patient care, symbolizing the personal touch and communication style of healthcare providers. However, as we navigate deeper into the digital age, the scope of patient care and interaction extends beyond the physical confines of hospitals and clinics to include online Read more…
How Barbiturates are different from Benzodiazepines
Most of the time people think of stimulants, they think of cocaine, stolen prescriptions, and unauthorized drug markets. But, that’s not the whole picture. The difference between barbiturates and benzodiazepines can be very surprising. Very few people know about the history of these drugs. Knowing how barbiturates differ from Benzodiazepines sheds light on how Read more…
Mastеring thе Art of Nursing Assignmеnts: A Comprеhеnsivе Guidе
Embarking on thе journеy of nursing еducation is akin to еntеring a labyrinth of knowlеdgе, skills, and rеsponsibilitiеs. Whilе clinical еxpеrtisе is undеniably crucial, thе rеalm of nursing assignmеnts forms an intеgral part of your acadеmic journеy, dеmanding a uniquе sеt of skills and stratеgiеs for succеss. In this comprеhеnsivе guidе, wе will navigatе through Read more…