The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the face of healthcare globally, bringing into focus the need for significant healthcare reforms that will eventually promote universal access to affordable care. The U.S. healthcare industry has faced incredible challenges in the wake of this pandemic and is expected to come across even more. The way Read more…
4 Steps for Improving RCM Efficiency
Revenue cycle management (RCM) is an important process for running a thriving practice. The financial, and ultimately administrative, the success of any practice is a function of how well designed and efficiently enacted its RCM system is. Fortifying the financial front is crucial for a number of obvious reasons, like designing and employing marketing strategies Read more…
8 Medical Coding Errors to Avoid
Both the government and private insurers are becoming increasingly stringent when it comes to medical billing practices, with audits revealing cases of both fraud and abuse. While providers deserve to paid in full for the services they provide, it is essential that billing practices that might be construed as fraudulent or abusive be avoided. This Read more…
Tips for Telehealth Coding
There’s nothing more frustrating than rendering service and not being paid. Here are a few tips to help you properly conduct and document telehealth services. Telehealth is the new normal of the American healthcare industry, especially in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic. But, there’s nothing more frustrating than rendering service and not being Read more…
Covid-19 and the Rise of Value-Based Models
The increased adoption of virtual care technologies is accelerating value-based care. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a sense of urgency around numerous healthcare-related issues and opportunities that were already on the radar but were awaiting large-scale implementation. The foremost objective of providers and healthcare systems today remains to keep people out of hospitals and Read more…
See and Treat Patients Remotely with Telemedicine
Slow and steady telemedicine has evolved as the ultimate tool for empowering providers to see and treat patients remotely. Telemedicine is the new face of healthcare. It has gained significant attention during the recent COVID-19 public health emergency, which essentially put a halt to our daily lives. The need for healthcare increased manifold during this Read more…
Five Care Transition Takeaways from Covid-19
Bank valuable lessons from the coronavirus pandemic to navigate such turbulent times. Even though the coronavirus pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for healthcare providers, it has also unleashed valuable lessons to help us navigate through turbulent times such as these. What remains imperative to note is that we can deploy these understandings to develop better Read more…
Five Reasons Why You Should Embrace Telemedicine At Your Practice
The healthcare industry is evolving at a rapid pace as practitioners embrace digital technology and look for innovative ways to enhance the delivery of care. Telemedicine today has become the buzz word of the global healthcare industry. With the increasing competition in the sector and squeezed revenues, virtual care is breaking down barriers that Read more…
Common Questions Regarding Telemedicine
Are you preparing to deploy telemedicine at your medical practice? Are you bombarded with several mind-boggling questions about its viability for your organization? Here are five common questions regarding telemedicine answered. Telemedicine is becoming an integral component of the modern healthcare landscape. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated its growth prospects, bringing it to the Read more…
Staying Patient Centric With EHR
EHR enables physicians to establish effective connections with the patients, while also easing their burden of data entry. With the increased digitization of literally every aspect of the medical field, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have scored significant attention in recent times. In due regard, increasing adoption of EHR has pre-eminently coincided with increased emphasis on Read more…