Physicians are busier than ever. With packed schedules, more patients than ever before, and increasingly stringent requirements for reporting, documentation, and billing, they are left with little to no time for anything other than work. However, having trained medical assistants (MAs) in your practice save physicians a lot of time, up to three hours a Read more…
Health IT
8 Things to Know About CMS’ Final Rule
Having been finalized two years ago CMS’ Price Transparency final rule came into effect July 1, 2022. Payers nationwide are now required to publish the costs of almost all healthcare services that they have negotiated with providers. The delay in implementation was to allow payers time to prepare, with CMS recognizing that it would take Read more…
Enhancing Patient Engagement Through Personalized Care
According to CDC statistics, 6 in 10 US adults have a chronic condition, with 4 in 10 having two or more. These conditions are the leading drivers behind the nation’s $3.8 trillion annual health costs. These conditions include heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and even less dangerous problems which are caused by factors such as Read more…
How Robotic Process Automation Can Reduce the Burden on Providers
Provider burnout has rightly been recognized as a very serious issue holding healthcare systems back from operating at their full potential. Burnout affects not only physicians, but every staff member across the healthcare continuum; from management to accounting to billing, burnout does not discriminate and can hit anyone, at any time. The core issue behind Read more…
The Importance of Online Reviews
One of the strongest marketing tools available to any business is its customers. Word-of-mouth and customer endorsements are invaluable in the marketing boost they can provide, and they do it entirely for free. This same rule also applies to medical practices. Earning and showcasing positive online reviews is an essential part of any practice’s marketing Read more…
5 HIPAA Mistakes Every Practice Should Avoid When Texting Patients
In the current age, providers must adopt digital communication strategies, in order to continue meeting the everchanging needs of patients. Patients these days value convenience above all else, and digital communication is one of the core components in this area. These communication avenues are also very convenient to practice. Texting, for example, is a fantastic Read more…
The Challenges of Alternative Care Models
Alternative Payment Models (APMs) have been promoted by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation as options that can help reduce costs while maintaining and improving patient outcomes. Now into its second decade, CMMI continues to improve and expand APMs in order to drive growth and transformation in the health care system. APMs will continue Read more…
The Benefits of a Clinically Driven Revenue Cycle
Improving patient outcomes and reducing denials are among the primary goals of all healthcare organizations; what both of these goals have in common is that they can both be achieved through a clinically driven revenue cycle. Integrating clinical data into claims processing will significantly reduce denials, leading to fewer days in accounts receivable and, ultimately, Read more…
Signs of Physician Burnout and How to Prevent It
Physicians play a crucial role in society. Those in this venerable profession are responsible for maintaining the general health of their communities, and those that live therein. Such heavy responsibilities can, however, exact an equally heavy toll on one’s mental wellbeing. This toll can lead to difficulties in performing these duties optimally – and eventually Read more…
The Benefits of QR Codes for Medical Practices
Today’s consumers want instant access and convenience for their services – and QR codes are the way to offer that. These codes allow healthcare providers to meet these needs with immediate interaction with physicians through a smartphone or tablet. A few codes, placed strategically, can also work wonders for marketing purposes. Here are 6 ways Read more…