Every day providers encounter obstacles while planning effective treatments for oncology patients. Some of it is caused by the intractable nature of the disease, but a lack of access to data is a significant problem as well. Despite the fact that Big Data exists, the average practice doesn’t have access to it, adversely impacting patient Read more…
Health IT
Electronic Medical Records for Dental Clinics
Generally, if you see a dentist or orthodontist for the first time or seek a consultation, she will often request your orthodontic records. What are these records, and why are they essential for you to have? How do you obtain your records when you see a new healthcare provider? What Are Orthodontic Dental Records? Your Read more…
What Is the Role & Significance of Behavioral and Human Resource Experts?
Qualified and experienced Behavioral and Human Resource specialists play a critical role in human resource management for enhancing overall staff performance, boosting customer satisfaction, and ensuring streamlined delivery of improved healthcare service. In this context, according to WebMD, almost two-thirds of staff or employees believe that their organizations are lacking in efforts to foster equity, diversity, inclusion, Read more…
Optimizing Healthcare Practice Management: A Comprehensive Guide
Effective practice management is crucial for healthcare providers to deliver top-quality care while sustaining a successful business. This guide covers key areas of focus and proven strategies to optimize healthcare practice management in today’s complex regulatory and technological landscape. Why Does Healthcare Practice Management Need to be Optimized? Healthcare practices face increasing pressure to deliver Read more…
Is this the end for the repeal of Obamacare?
Former President Barack Obama’s legacy healthcare law has been under scrutiny for quite some time. Even though the Republicans are unable to offer a replacement, yet they decided to repeal the law anyway. However, they failed to achieve their objective because of a 49-51 vote, including three Republicans, against repealing. This means that Obamacare stays. Read more…
Reduce your risk of bad receivables
Over the last ten years, the cost of care has increasingly shifted to patients. This has been done through increasing co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles. Many of the ACA plans rely on patients to shoulder 40% of the cost of their care — even Medicare is now tracking at about 25% out-of-pocket cost to patients. Gone Read more…
What is the surgical benefit of the Israel retractor?
Surgical retractors hold significant importance in the field of surgery. These surgical instruments serve their purpose when the surgeons need to hold back an incision or wound during surgical procedures. These incredible tools allow surgeons to get better access and visibility to the surgical area and great exposure to the other organs as well thereby Read more…
Republicans push for Obamacare repeal
For anyone who has depleted their savings on medical expenses, avoided going to the doctor for fear of a huge medical bill, or lost loved ones to cancer, Obamacare has been a tremendous blessing. Highly popular among Americans initially, President Obama’s signature health care law has provided health coverage to approximately 20 million Americans who Read more…
Top Ten Blog Posts from 2016
A glimpse of top HeathIT blog posts from 2016. Did you miss out on the trending healthcare news and insights from last year? Don’t worry! We got it all covered from digital health to patient engagement, physician payment models to MACRA, MIPS to EHRs and the rise of Trump care. After delving deep into the Read more…
MACRA: A Reality Affecting Us Sooner Than We Think
MACRA is born out of good intentions, but is fraught with implementation challenges. Anyone would think of MACRA’s implementation as a monumental task, when reading the final rule for it, which was issued by CMS on October 14. The document is indeed full of legal intricacies. The good news is that MACRA will pay physicians Read more…