CureMD was ranked 3rd in the Top 20 most Popular EHRs survey by Capterra, a software information and review website that helps physicians find the right technology for their practice. CureMD has consistently maintained its position amongst the top 20 leading EHR companies in the States, despite the growing competition, due to its user-centered approach to technology. Not only Read more…
Physician assisted suicides: The right to choose?
California might become the sixth state to protect aid-in-dying practices. The End of Life Option Act, a bill that would allow doctor-assisted suicide for some terminally ill patients, was recently advanced by California’s Senate. Two previous attempts to pass similar legislation were stalled, mainly because doctors did not support it. But last month the California Read more…
Foster a Positive Online Image: 7 Helpful Suggestions
Doctors often overlook patient rating and review websites simply because they take time. What they do not realize is that dedicating 5 to 10 minutes per day to such sites can pay massive dividends in retaining existing patients and attracting new ones. In 2013, a survey by the healthcare technology company Digital Assent revealed that 72% Read more…
Managing Patient Documentation
ICD-10 is almost upon us, and an existing physician issue looks all set to take another huge blow. Yes, I’m talking about managing physician documentation in 2015 and beyond. Experts are anticipating a 15-20% increase in physician documentation time for most practices post October 1. However, there are some cost and time effective options that Read more…
Why do you need to have CureMD’s Discrete Reportable Transcription service?
The Background When the HITECH Act became law in 2009, it aimed to stimulate the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) across the health care industry; the clinical data gathered from these systems would aid in disease prevention in the coming years. By 2013, above 80% of all office-based physicians had adopted some variant of Read more…
ICD-TEN Act: What’s in it for you?
As expected, the buzz surrounding ICD-10 continues to grow as we move closer to the October 1, 2015 implementation deadline. Last week, Texas-based Republican Rep. Ted Poe, proposed the “Cutting Costly Codes Act of 2015” to block the replacement of ICD-9 with ICD-10. Now, another proposal, a more realistic and achievable one I must say, has been put Read more…
Ambulatory EHR Differentiation: CureMD’s interview with IntrepidNow
This past week, Intrepid Healthcare’s Editor-in-Chief Joe Lavelle caught up with CureMD’s Director of Business Development, Ian Walker, to talk about the core factors of Ambulatory EHRs. Meaningful Use, ICD-10, iPad EHRs, and tools for population health management were also discussed in the interview. Here’s the complete podcast: You can also access the interview at
A Small Provider’s take on ICD-10
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, CureMD Healthcare. Never have I paid so much attention to US politics like I did last month. I am still hoping against hope that ICD-10 is not coming. Don’t get me wrong, Read more…
Losing a patient
Who heals the healers? When I was ten, my grandfather suffered his third and final heart-attack in as many decades. The attending physician performed a coronary artery bypass, and an angioplasty, but neither was enough. Two days later, he advised us to pull the plug. Several hours later, the ventilator was switched off and Grandpa Read more…
Physicians’ Fears about ICD-10 are unfounded, CMS explains
Two recent updates: CMS has compiled a list of things you should know about ICD-10. They focus on how the transition is not as hard as it is being trumped up to be. CMS will run ICD-10 acknowledgment testing from June 1- 5, to give providers a chance to test their ICD-10 procedures before October. This will Read more…