According to estimates given by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “about 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV, and 21% of these persons do not know they are infected”. A secure and efficient system of electronic information gathering or EHR can help in early detection of HIV, so that quality treatment, care and Read more…
You know you are a doctor when…
There are times when doctors have to work for over 20 hours a day. If you are a specialist, your work hours might be shorter, but life isn’t any easier. Doctors, here is a list of some funny moments from your lives. Let us know if you identify with them. Do share some of your Read more…
A Case for Using Social Media to Market Your Practice
“I went to medical school to be a doctor. If I wanted to be a marketer … I would have gone to business school.” I recently came across this post by a physician. I can empathize with this doctor; growing healthcare requirements and falling reimbursements have embroiled physicians in more administrative work. Yet, I wonder Read more…
How to improve your patient collections?
Medical practices need to be very careful about their billing. A weak billing department does not only impact revenues but also leads to dissatisfied patients, affecting your practice’s reputation. Thus, improving the business end of your practice should be a top priority. We at CureMD realize that doctors are not accountants. Thus, this article has Read more…
What makes Meaningful Use challenging for small practices?
The Meaningful Use program has been the biggest force driving Electronic Health Record adoption over the last 5 years in the country. As of today, more than 80% of nationwide physicians are using certified EHR software to ‘meaningfully’ attest for pre set performance metrics and are earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in government incentives. Read more…
All you need to know about Meaningful Use Deadline – Infographic
The Meaningful Use program deadline is approaching fast. Start using a CCHIT-certified Electronic Health Record system now to save yourself from Medicare Part B reimbursement penalties starting 2015. The last day to start your Meaningful Use program is July 1, 2014. Start your Meaningful Use program now. Earn more incentives.
Meaningful Use Deadline: Q&A with Experts
As the deadline for “Meaningful Use” approaches, doctors are rushing to adopt the Program to take advantage of the government incentives. However, as we speak to doctors, we realize that many of them are confused about the Program, which makes it difficult for them to earn maximum incentives. The confusion surrounds the requirements, incentives, penalties, exemptions Read more…
Why cloud-based EHRs are the future of healthcare
Almost every physician these days is using Cloud-based Electronic Health Records and Practice Management software to deliver better care and manage his practice. However, there are quite a few who are still unsure about putting their most important data on the Cloud, and end up using archaic systems which not only affect their workflows, but Read more…
How to avoid Meaningful Use penalty and avail hardship exceptions?
Highlights Avoid Meaningful Use penalty; start Meaningful Use program by July 1, 2014 Deadline to attest for 90-day reporting period ends on October 1, 2014 Any attestation that follows October 2014 will have a reporting period of 1 year rather than 90 days CMS allows for hardship exceptions until July 1, 2015 Only selected providers Read more…
Best Practices in Preparing for Meaningful Use
practice can be a daunting task. If done properly, it can change the way your practice works – for the better. However, like most modern technologies, it comes with various challenges. While facing the inevitable changes the implementation of EHR will bring, one of the issues that practices need to resolve is to keep all Read more…