Buying or switching to new and better Electronic Health Record (EHR) software is never an easy task. Physicians are flooded with many vendors, most of them offering plenty of features. It is common for physicians, hospital networks and medical centers to be unable to make the right choice because they are drawn into buying an Read more…
The eternal quest for the perfect EHR
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have become the new benchmark when it comes to delivering quality health care. Physicians, hospital networks and large healthcare centers are all using EHR software in order to help them speed up their workflows and improve efficiency. However, the EHR software market is yet to realize its full potential as doctors continue to Read more…
ICD-10 Offers More Than ICD-9
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have set October 1, 2014 as the deadline for the implementation of a new and more comprehensive International Classification of Diseases (ICD) set of codes, commonly referred to as ICD-10. It will replace the existing 30-year-old codes called ICD-9, which practices are currently using. Why? Because the ICD-9 Read more…
How the U.S. government Shutdown is Affecting Healthcare?
Owing to the heated debate in the Congress over enforcement of President Barack Obama’s healthcare bill, dubbed as Obamacare, for the first time in 17 years, the U.S. government has entered into a shutdown phase. According to estimates, nearly 700,000 federal employees would be hit by the shutdown. They will receive little or no payments Read more…
10 things to know when buying an EHR
Electronic Health Record (EHR) software have become the next benchmark standard for healthcare industry. Over the last 5 years or so, physicians have increasingly shifted towards a more advanced version of the healthcare records. Now, the EHRs not only help physicians look after their patients’ data, but also help them communicate with other entities in Read more…
Are you ready for ICD-10?
The International Classification for Diseases (ICD) is now being evolved into a new system. ICD-10, as it is known, is a set of over 140,000 codes physicians all across the country will use come October 1, 2014, replacing the 30-year-old system of ICD-9. The ICD-10 includes more classification of diseases than its predecessor, and makes use Read more…
Data migration: Why is it important in Healthcare?
Nationwide, practices are shifting to new and better Electronic Health Records (EHRs) from their previous EMRs. Some practices find their current EMR systems old, outdated and incompatible with their practice management and billing software. Therefore, it becomes a priority for them to make the switch to Electronic Health Records (EHRs). But change is not easy. Read more…
8 Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
With its emphasis on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, olive oil, herbs, spices, and omega-3-rich fish, the Mediterranean diet has emerged as one of the world’s healthiest eating patterns. This heart-healthy way of eating has been linked to improved longevity, better quality of life, and reduced risk for many chronic diseases. In this article, Read more…
Interoperability and finding the true SaaS EHR
Interoperability can be described as the ability of Electronic Health Record (EHR) software to meaningfully connect with various institutions involved in the healthcare IT model and effectively facilitate between them, the flow of information, such as test results, medical histories, summaries of care, lab reports, prescriptions, provider notes etc. These days, most U.S. physicians are Read more…
HIPAA Omnibus Rule – What now?
September 23, 2013 marked the end of the relaxation or grace period for the tougher, stricter implementation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA) Omnibus Rule. The Rule, which was enforced earlier in 2013 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), gave practices across the country the new guidelines to Read more…