They did it once, what’s the guarantee that they won’t do it again? Like many physicians, I have asked myself the same question while contemplating ICD-10. Is it worth spending so much time and money in preparing for a transition that has not taken place for the last three years? While contemplation is not a Read more…
3 Reasons You Do Not Want to Miss American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting 2015
America’s biggest dermatology meeting is right around the corner, and CureMD is all set to go! Yes, I’m talking about the 73rd annual American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) meeting, which is expected to host 16,800 guests from different parts of the world. The event where detailed discussion will take place on topics related to dermatology, Read more…
Breaking News: CMS Extends Deadline for Meaningful Use Attestation
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced a new date for Meaningful Use attestation deadline. Eligible professionals (EPs), participating in the Medicare incentive program (only), now have time till March 20, 2015 to attest for Meaningful Use rather than the previous deadline of February 28, 2015. This relaxation is intended to bring relief Read more…
The Most Bizarre ICD-10 Codes (Infographic)
By now everyone in the healthcare products industry knows that ICD-10 is an unavoidable fact. It is a sword of Damocles hanging over every physician’s head. The ICD-10 implement deadline has started to sound more like D-Day for the healthcare practitioners. However, not everything is as frightening as it appears to be. Humor is the Read more…
Don’t Lose Your Revenue to Patient Collections
This is the second article in a series of ‘Billing Issues’ that practices around the nation are facing. The healthcare industry has gone through significant changes over the past decade, including an increase in deductibles, which has effected payment collections. In the midst of these changes, keeping a steady cash flow for a practitioner is Read more…
EHR Breakups: A heartbreak for Practices
With the new Meaningful Use 2 (MU2) requirements catching many EHR vendors unawares, it may be time to look for an EHR vendor who is always ahead of the curve. According to a report by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), as of November 2014 only 2% of eligible professionals had attested to Read more…
10 Major Changes which will Impact Physician Income in 2015
With the upcoming changes in 2015, physicians can expect to face some major challenges along with a few opportunities, when it comes to generating income. These changes are likely to impact most practices and can impact physician income to varying degrees. Watch out for the following changes: Increase in high deductibles Patient collections have become Read more…
Should a Practice Outsource Billing to Prepare for ICD-10 Challenge?
Every practice across the country will send out claims based on ICD-10 codes starting October 1, 2015, if they want to get paid for services rendered. The updates are massive; as will be the adjustments you’ll need to make to meet this challenge. Are you equipped for these workflow changes? And is outsourcing your medical billing the Read more…
How to Avoid PQRS Penalties?
With the new year upon us, physicians who didn’t report PQRS measures in 2013 will soon be hit with penalties. If you’re one of them, don’t fret, CureMD has you covered. Let’s take a quick look at PQRS’ backstory before we dive into how it’s going to affect your practice from here on out and Read more…
5 Questions To Ask a Medical Billing Service in 2015
This article is the first in a series of ‘Billing Issues’ that practices around the nation are facing. Providers are straining to meet the stringent requirements of ICD-10, Meaningful Use Stage 2, PQRS and other programs, in order to avoid government penalties and earn more revenue. To do so while dealing with time and resource Read more…