In July, CMS hinted at the possibility of a MACRA delay or some restructuring of the proposed rule to decrease the burden of compliance. On September 8, CMS explained this flexibility. The final ruling is expected to be available in November. Here is what we know so far: – The compliance date has not changed. On January 1, Read more…
PokémonGO Invades Healthcare
Our social media team got a little creative with their obsession with PokémonGO. Their Pokomics, as they like to call it, are doing the rounds on social media. Thought I’d share them with you. Happy reading! 1. Job Interview There Might Be New ‘Motivated’ Recruits Coming in This Season. 2. Professional Hazard of Binge Gaming When Read more…
Health IT Infographics
How Is Augmented Reality Transforming Medicine?
Have you noticed more and more people walking around your town or city staring at their smartphones and acting a little…weird? If so, there’s no need to panic. These people are most likely playing Pokémon Go, a free augmented reality game for iOS and Android users. The app harnesses a phone’s GPS to inform players Read more…
Caution : False Claim Penalties Double as of August 1, 2016
The False Claims Act (FCA), also called the “Lincoln Law”, is a federal law that imposes liability on persons and companies who defraud governmental programs The Department of Justice has almost doubled the penalties under the FCA. As of August 1, the minimum penalty for each false claim will increase from $5,500 to $10,781, and the Read more…
Pokémon Go Divides the Healthcare Industry
Unless you have zero interaction with digital technology, which is unlikely since you are reading this blog post, you must have heard about the latest Pokémon Go craze. The new GPS-based augmented reality game is drawing more attention from consumers and the media alike, than the upcoming Olympic games or the presidential election. Pokémon is Read more…
State files Lawsuit to Block Insurance Mergers
Justice Department has filed a preliminary injunction to block mergers involving the country’s top health insurance companies. Four of the top five insurances by market share had announced plans to merge in 2016. This included Aetna with Humana, Anthem with Cigna. UnitedHealth Group, the largest by market value, is not involved in the proposed mergers. Read more…
MIPS Delay is on the Cards
It seems that when it comes to MIPS, CMS is willing to entertain the possibilities of a delayed start & shorter reporting periods. On July 13, at the congressional hearing on the Medicare Access and Chip authorization act, CMS Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt did not rule out the possibility of a MIPS delay. Originally, MIPS was Read more…
Too Small for Ransomware? Think again
Ransomware is a serious threat, and it’s only getting worse. Many practices assume that they are too small to appear on a hacker’s radar, and are not prioritizing cybersecurity like they should. This is a mistake. Hackers have been known to target individuals and small businesses as lack of preparedness makes them an easy target. Read more…
MACRA Proposed Rule: Not What the Doctor Ordered?
Many healthcare providers have been waiting for the end of meaningful use with baited breath. After all, the end of MU promised to lessen the burden of compliance requirements, and usher in more realistic reporting guidelines. But the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) thousand-page proposed rule for the Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act of Read more…